Technical Insight

We have enjoyed our holidays, are back to work and the kids have returned to school. Now the focus is back looking at your business.
Whilst there have been several recent legislative changes in the corporate insolvency landscape including the introduction of small business restructuring, simplified liquidation and an increase in the statutory demand minimum to $4,000…
When will I get paid if the Company that owes me money is placed into External Administration?
This article aims to outline to the readers how a company may restructure its financial affairs through the formal appointment of an administrator and then entering into what is known as a deed of company arrangement.
We are likely to see an increased number of businesses suffering from business financial distress caused by the COVID pandemic and potentially the effects of inflation that we are likely to see during 2022.
The full federal court, in the recent decision of Morton as Liquidator of MJ Woodman Electrical Contractors Pty Ltd v Metal Manufacturers Pty Limited [2021] FCAFC 228 considered the provisions of…
Back at the end of 2020, I spent some time reflecting on what had occurred during that year and its effects on the business landscape.
Trusts and Insolvency. For anyone who has come across this area and the interaction between trust law and the Corporations Act (Act), you would understand there is significant conjecture…
The purpose of this week’s article is a technical piece outlining the scheme’s terms, it’s basis for existence and a working example that highlights the savings.
In our last article, we spoke about the benefits of maintaining financial records to monitor a business’s financial health.