John Laird

Risk Advisor
John has over 29 years’ experience working in corporate insolvency advisory specialising in providing external administration review, compliance, regulation and investigation services.

John has extensive experience working with government agencies having previously held the role of Senior Specialist with the Registered Liquidators team at the Australian Securities and Investments Commission during the Global Financial crisis. John has more recently run his own business undertaking independent corporate registered liquidator quality reviews for individual liquidators and national liquidator firms.


    • Master of Business Administration
    • Member of CPA Australia
    • Member of Turnaround Management Association (TMA Australia)
    • Member of Certified Fraud Examiners
    • Association of Independent Insolvency Practitioners
    • Australian Restructuring Insolvency and Turnaround Association (ARITA)
    • Fellow of Governance Institute of Australia

    By John Laird

    In our article Insolvency law reform - has the time come for seismic change? released on 24 July 2023, Andrew Blundell discussed the findings from the report handed down on 12 July 2023 (Inquiry Report) from the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services inquiry into corporate insolvency in
    Essential steps to protect against cybersecurity risks and avoid financial distress.
    In our article Insolvency law reform - has the time come for seismic change? released on 24 July 2023, Andrew Blundell discussed the findings from the report handed down on 12 July 2023 (Inquiry Report) from the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services inquiry into corporate insolvency in
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