Insights into interesting insolvency cases with Emily Barrett, Partner at Johnson Winter Slattery

In the latest episode of The Cut, Simon Cathro plunges into the intricate world of insolvency law, discussing its multifaceted challenges and opportunities.

With us on this episode is Emily Barrett, a partner in the restructuring and insolvency team at Johnson Winter Slattery. Emily’s deep understanding of the industry and her clear articulation of its complexities are sure to enlighten both legal professionals and anyone with a curiosity in the industry.

Based on her extensive experience, Emily provides us with:

  • An insider’s perspective on the industry’s current state and how it has evolved since the Global Financial Crisis.
  • Insight into the role of statutory liens in administration and liquidation.
  • Details on the intricacies of adjudicating employees in administration.
  • The effort behind creating Johnson Winter Slattery’s case summaries publication, a valuable resource for anyone interested in the insolvency and restructuring field.
  • In a world where small to medium businesses are bearing the brunt of economic downturns, it’s essential to understand the role of insolvency law.

In this episode, you’ll learn about:

  • The unique challenges and opportunities in the insolvency and restructuring field.
  • An insider’s view of how the industry has changed post-GFC.
  • The role of statutory liens in administration and liquidation.
  • How employees are adjudicated in administration.
  • The effort behind Johnson Winter Slattery’s case summaries publication.
  • And much more…


  1. Emily Barrett Linkedin
  2. Johnson Winter Slattery
  3. Cathro & Partners
  4. Simon Cathro Linkedin

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