Explore secured creditor appointments and processes with insights from Lander & Rogers experts.

In this episode of The Cut, Simon Cathro speaks with Keiran Breckenridge and Jonathon Turner from Lander & Rogers about secured creditors and receiverships, a topic not covered in previous episodes⁠

Jonathan Turner is a partner at Landers and Rogers, specialising in corporate restructuring, insolvency, and finance. He joined the firm about 15 months ago, moving from NRF⁠. Jonathan’s expertise and experience contribute to Landers and Rogers’ growing focus on corporate restructuring, insolvency, and finance

Keiran Breckenridge is a special counsel at Landers and Rogers, specializing in insolvency law. He has been with the firm for seven years. Prior to joining Landers and Rogers, Keiran took a few years to work in regional New South Wales, specifically in Tamworth and Armidale, as part of a “tree change” with his wife⁠. This diverse experience in both city and country legal practices has contributed to his comprehensive understanding of insolvency law and practice.

Key points discussed in this episode:

  • Overview of Lander & Rogers, its history, and recent growth in the corporate restructuring, insolvency, and finance space
  • The increasing trend of receiverships and the changing landscape of lenders in the market
  • The importance of security reviews and investigating accountant reports in the receivership process
  • Options available to secured creditors, including receivership, mortgage in possession, and voluntary administration
  • This episode provides valuable insights into the current state of receiverships and the role of secured creditors in the insolvency process.


Cathro & Partners are experts in providing insolvency and restructuring services that help to create and preserve business value and to enable individuals to make a fresh start. The firm specialises in restructuring, turnaround, personal and corporate insolvency, safe harbour, secured enforcement services, government advisory services and pre-lending services. For a confidential discussion on any of the above, please reach out to one of our experts.

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