Practical help and qualified assistance to navigate the way forward.
If you or your client is facing financial difficulties and considering bankruptcy, call us to discuss the options available. Any individual in financial difficulty and facing bankruptcy will need some practical help and qualified assistance. We can provide the necessary technical advice so that you and your client fully understands their financial situation and can navigate the way forward.
For creditors seeking to recover debts owed by individuals you will need assistance and advice on the methods available to creditors to maximise recoveries. Cathro & Partners provides specialist experience to minimise costs and maximise returns as early as possible.
Your first consultation is free and confidential.
Bankruptcy is a legal process which you need to consider if you are unable to pay your personal debts when they are due. The Bankruptcy process can release you from your debts, provide relief and allow you to make a fresh start. Speak to us to discuss whether the bankruptcy process is required to best suit your circumstances.
Personal Insolvency Agreements
If you are unable to pay your debts as and when they fall due and want to find a way to pay your creditors over time. A PIA is a legally binding agreement that allow creditors the option to accept a cents in the dollar return but usually better than what they would receive in bankruptcy Call us to discuss whether this option is available to relieve you of your debts and for you to get your life back.
Other Trustee appointments
We undertake appointments made by Court’s as statutory trustees. We also act as Trustees in bankruptcy of a deceased estate.
To improve our client services on a national level, Cathro & Partners works in alliance with Auxilium Partners
©2025 - Cathro & Partners Pty Ltd.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
Level 13, 333 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Ground Floor, 310 Edward Street, Brisbane QLD 4000
Level 1, 68 Northbourne Avenue, Canberra ACT 2600
Level 23, Tower 5/727 Collins St, Docklands VIC 3008
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©2025 - Cathro & Partners Pty Ltd.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.